

Item no. 28107
Occupation: Manufacturing: garment
Collection: Cornell University Kheel Center

The Skill is in the Hands

No matter what phase of the garment industry--ladies' garments, men's clothing or even furs--among the most skilled practitioners have been and still are the cutters who fashion the pieces of a pattern.  Note the stacked up layers of fabric that are being cut through.  This is one of three close-up photographs of garment workers' hands that are featured in an historical plaque in Union Square, New York City.  

This is one of three close-up photographs of garment workers hands that are featured in an historical plaque in Union Square, NYC.  

See the "Tools and Skills" plaque in our exhibit on Union Square.

Undated photograph from UNITE Archives, Kheel Center, Cornell University.

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Cornell University Kheel Center

Union Square
